Here’s our lovely tour poster… (Thanks loads to photographer Asimina Giagoudaki and designer John Griffiths). We start on 7th Feb and ticket links (for Croydon, Leicester, Sheffield, Manchester and Bristol for example) are in the gig list. Thanks loads and hope to see you at one of these…
What Happens On Tour…
… won’t be interesting enough to stay on tour, thankfully. Except the gigs, which will be 100% guaranteed mayhem.
In the new year of 2019 I am playing a few shows around the country with the brilliant MJ Hibbett with whom I have gigged many times and who is delightful company on and off stage. We’re calling the tour ‘No Headliner’ to make it clear we are absolutely equal as humans and also so we can finish early, have a drink and a chat after the gig before going to bed at a sensible hour. Let’s Rock.
We shall be adding a couple of London dates to the tour and I’ll update details for tickets etc. as they come in, but for now here’s the dates…
Sunday 17th February 2019: The Joiners Arms, Camberwell, London
Wednesday 20 February: The Globe, Leicester (part of the Comedy Festival and tickets are already on sale here)
Thursday 28 February: The Green Room, Sheffield
Thursday 7 March: Gullivers, Manchester
Thursday 14 March: New Bristol Brewery, Bristol
Here’s the pic we put together hastily for the Leicester Comedy Festival programme which illustrates how serious we both are about creating absolute mayhem on stage…
Look forward to seeing each and every one of you at one of these places.